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Peperomia Obtusifolia V.

Regular price $5.00 USD
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AKA American rubber plant, baby rubber plant, or pepper faced plant. This variegated plant has a white and green leaves that are shiny and smooth. 

Bright indirect sunlight is best, although this variety can take 4 to 6 hours of sunlight a day if you have it outside in flower beds or house landscaping. 

When watering allow the soil to mostly dry out prior to watering again, to much water will harm it so it is always better to do less than more. Decrease dramatically during winter months, because the leaves will store water during this time. 

once every two weeks during the spring you can use a diluted fertilizer, and once a month during the summer. None is needed for winter or autumn. 

Growth habit is busy in appearance, tops can be pinched off to encourage a filling look, instead of a long draping look.